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Satan is seeking to lead
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

Satan  is  seeking  to  lead

Once again, before the great destruction of the world by fire, there is granted a period of test and trial. Men are given opportunity to show whether or not they will be loyal to God. Satan is seeking to leadmen in positions of trust to seek the regeneration of the world by plans of their own devising. These men desire to be reformers, but they fail because they do not work in Christ's lines. Can they reform others, when they cannot reform themselves? . . .  {UL 88.6}

My brother, I tell you that which God has opened before me. Satan is seeking to lead you and your brothers to make shipwreck of the faith; he desires you to place yourself where you will recklessly disregard the sanctifying truth which would perfect a Christian character in you. Do not surrender principles, and you will be safe. You have erred, but there is a remedy for you; if you repent of your sins, and forsake them, and believe in Jesus Christ as the sin-pardoning Saviour His blood will cleanse you from all sin.  {9MR 109.2}

If we are constantly thinking of and struggling for the things that pertain to this life, we cannot keep our thoughts fixed on the things of heaven. Satan is seeking to lead our minds away from God, and to center them on the fashions, the customs, and the demands of the world, which bring disease and death. . . .  {OHC 79.5}

If we are constantly thinking of and struggling for the things that pertain to this life, we can not keep our thoughts fixed on the things of heaven. Satan is seeking to lead our minds away from God, and to center them on the fashions, the customs, and the demands of the world, which bring disease and death. God has given us reasoning powers, and these powers we should use to the best account in preserving the strength of our bodies, that we may have strong, healthy minds.  {3MR 113.5}

You want to be where you can deal with human minds just as tenderly as Christ has dealt with you. If you were to have Christ deal with you as some teachers have dealt with students in the schools, you would be indignant. Many of you are not as perfect in the sight of God as you may think you are. And if you want Christ to forgive your sins you must be kind to those whom Satan is seeking to lead under his dark banner.  {9MR 59.1}





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