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Liabilities of Church Organizations
. . Liabilities of Church Organizations

  added to Chapter 3: Organization and Authority

   The 59th GC Session added wording to the church manual to deal with the liability of church organizations. They added these words to Chapter 3.
. . . When organizations review the decisions of other organizations, they do not assume the responsibility for the liabilities of any other organization.

   It may be significant to note that this disclaimer sentence is part of another significant addition to the church manual about the appeal of differences.
 When differences arise in or between churches and conferences or institutions, appeal to the next higher constituent level is proper until it reaches an Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee of the General Conference Session. Between these meetings, the General Conference Executive Committee constitutes the body of final authority on all questions. The committee's decision may be reviewed at a General Conference Session or an Annual Council. When organizations review the decisions of other organizations, they do not assume the responsibility for the liabilities of any other organization.          Found on page 29 - 30 of the 19th edition

   This text is significant and DiggingForTruth.org has highlighted it as a major change to the church manual.
and given it a separate page which will be open to discussion.  See page for Appealing Differences to the Next Level
Editors Note:   As knowledgeable in the church manual as we may think we are, it is only by the Holy Spirit that wisdom is obtained.  Before opening this page up to discussion and comments we would like to verify that this is the first time that the church manual mentions 'the liabilities of any church organization' and in the context presented we can assume the legal aspects of liabilities are included in this disclaimer.
If anyone knows about another text in a previous Church Manual that addresses this issue please contact us.
Thank you.
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