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Changes to Chapter 6 - Membership
Chapter 6:   Church Membership    (pages 29 to 43 in the 17th edition)

  The content of Chapter 6 will also appear as Chapter 6 in the new edition with the following changes..

  These words have been included in the section for Transferring Members, Letters Granted
Letters Granted Only to Those in Regular Standing - Letters of transfer are granted only to members in regular standing, never to a member under discipline. Qualifying statements are out of order except when the pastor of board of the granting church has factual or proven knowledge that the member has been involved as a perpetrator of child abuse. In that case, for the safety of children, the pastor or elder should provide a confidential statement alerting the pastor or elder of the congregation to which the member is transferring.

                 The wording of this section after the change appears on page 54  [ 18th edition ]
Church letters are granted only to members who are in regular standing. Qualifying statements on church letters are out of order. If a members who has moved to a new location has grown cold and indifferent, the church elder may, to be clear in the matter of granting a letter of transfer, take up the question with the elder of the church in the community to which the member has moved, before a transfer is granted.

                  The wording of this section before the change appears on page 38 [ 17th edition ]

    There have been five changes to the Church Manual regarding Baptism
 These changes can be seen on the page for Changes to Baptism

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