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Book - Steps to Christ

Ellen White's best known book is Steps to Christ, it has been published in more than 140 languages. Steps to Christ,  with well over 100 million copies in circulation. Since its first edition in 1892, it has brought inspiration to millions of readers and seekers around the world.
Study Guide for this book
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Chapter  1 -  God's Love for Man  Page  9 to 16 
Chapter  2 -  The Sinner's Need of Christ  Page 17 to 22
Chapter  3 -  Repentance  Page 23 to 36
Chapter  4 -  Confession  Page 37 to 42
Chapter  5 -  Consecration  Page 43 to 48
Chapter  6 -  Faith and Acceptance  Page 49 to 55
Chapter  7 -  The Test of Discipleship  Page 56 to 66 
Chapter  8  - Growing Up Into Christ  Page 67 to 75
Chapter  9  - The Work and the Life   Page 77 to 84
Chapter 10 -  A Knowlege of God  Page 85 - 91
Chapter 11 -  The Privilege of Prayer  Page 92 - 104
Chapter 12 -  What to Do with Doubt  Page 105 - 114
Chapter 13 -  Rejoicing in the Lord  Page 115 to end 
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