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Unfaithful minister [3] / ministers [3]
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
unfaithful  minister
Those who are vain and self-important, who are given to trifling and jesting, cast reproach on the cause of God; for our faith and principles are judged by their course of action. The errors and mistakes of the unfaithful minister are charged to the whole body. Then let him that ministers in sacred things be careful to start right. Let him have a character as free from imperfections as possible, and let him walk quietly in the path of rectitude, mastering every passion and habit that will in any way mar the work of God or leave a spot upon its sacredness. It is the work of the minister to resist the temptations that lie in his pathway, and to rise superior to those debasements that give the mind a low level.  {RH, November 4, 1884 par. 6}
Genuine love for Christ will lead directly to hearty obedience to all the law of God.--While men profess to rejoice in the intercession and grace of Jesus Christ they should not forget that harmony with Christ cannot be gained while there is a spirit of war in their hearts against his Father's commandments. Love genuine love to Jesus Christ will lead directly to hearty obedience of all the law of God, and there will be the deepest repentance whenever they break, or teach men by their example to break one of the least of God's commandments. Ministers who soothe the consciences of the people by participating with them in transgression through any cause, are rejoicing in iniquity. And when Christ comes, to judgment, the stoutest hearts, the most confident boasters of religious attainments while breaking the law of God, will faint and fail, every excuse will then be silenced, every heart corrupt in its disobedience will be revealed just as it is. There will be recriminations with the companions in pouring contempt upon the law of God; but the heaviest denunciations will come upon the unfaithful minister who professed to be sent of God to show them the way of salvation. Tempter and tempted will suffer condemnation according to their responsibility and the wrong that they have done in leading souls to transgression. Of all the crimes that God will visit none are in His sight so grievous as those who tempt and encourage others in sin. God would have His ministers ever in all places show themselves decidedly on the Lord's side, loyal and true to His commandments in a rebellious world, thus rebuking the disobedient however difficult or contrary to the natural feelings. "Those that honor me," saith God, "I will honor." God looks to those who bear His commission to be true and faithful, and to exalt the dignity of his claims.-- ST May 20, 1880. {PaM 97.4} 
While men profess to rejoice in the intercession and grace of Jesus Christ they should not forget that harmony with Christ cannot be gained while there is a spirit of war in their hearts against his Father's commandments. Love genuine love to Jesus Christ will lead directly to hearty obedience of all the law of God, and there will be the deepest repentance whenever they break, or teach men by their example to break one of the least of God's commandments. Ministers who smooth the consciences of the people by participating with them in transgression through any cause, are rejoicing in iniquity. And when Christ comes, to judgment, the stoutest hearts, the most confident boasters of religious attainments while breaking the law of God, will faint and fail, every excuse will then be silenced, every heart corrupt in its disobedience will be revealed just as it is. There will be recriminations with the companions in pouring contempt upon the law of God; but the heaviest denunciations will come upon the unfaithful minister who professed to be sent of God to show them the way of salvation. Tempter and tempted will suffer condemnation according to their responsibility and the wrong that they have done in leading souls to transgression. Of all the crimes that God will visit none are in his sight so grievous as those who tempt and encourage others in sin. God would have his ministers ever in all places show themselves decidedly on the Lord's side, loyal and true to his commandments in a rebellious world, thus rebuking the disobedient however difficult or contrary to the natural feelings. "Those that honor me," saith God, "I will honor." God looks to those who bear his commission to be true and faithful, and to exalt the dignity of his claims.  {ST, May 20, 1880 par. 11}
unfaithful  ministers
 Some ministers who profess to be called of God have the blood of souls on their garments. They are surrounded with backsliders and sinners, and yet feel no burden for their souls; they manifest an indifference in regard to their salvation. Some are so nearly asleep that they seem to have no sense of the work of a gospel minister. They do not consider that as spiritual physicians they are required to have skill in administering to souls diseased with sin. The work of warning sinners, of weeping over them and pleading with them, has been neglected until many souls are past all cure. Some have died in their sins, and will in the judgment confront with reproaches of their guilt those who might have saved them, but who did not. Unfaithful ministers, what a retribution awaits you!  {2T 506.1}
Some ministers, surrounded by backsliders, feel no burden for their souls. -- Some ministers who profess to be called of God have the blood of souls on their garments. They are surrounded with backsliders and sinners, and yet feel no burden for their souls; they manifest an indifference in regard to their salvation. Some are so nearly asleep that they seem to have no sense of the work of a gospel minister. They do not consider that as spiritual physicians they are required to have skill in administering to souls diseased with sin. The work of warning sinners, of weeping over them and pleading with them, has been neglected until many souls are past all cure. Some have died in their sins, and will in the judgment confront with reproaches of their guilt those who might have saved them, but who did not. Unfaithful ministers, what a retribution awaits you! -- 2T 506. Pastoral Ministries, page 219.3
Some who profess to be called of God to labor in word and doctrine, are surrounded with backsliders and sinners, and yet feel no burden for their souls, but manifest an indifference in regard to their salvation. Some are so nearly asleep that they seem to have no sense of the work of a gospel minister. They do not consider that as spiritual physicians they are required to have skill in ministering to souls diseased with sin. The work of warning sinners, of weeping over them and pleading with them, has been neglected until many souls are past cure. Some have died in their sins, and will in the Judgment confront with reproaches of their guilt those who might have saved them, but who did not. Unfaithful ministers, what a retribution awaits you! God does not lightly regard a neglect of the work he has left his servants to do.  {RH, May 12, 1885 par. 5}
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