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Pioneers of the Advent Movement
Pioneers of the Advent Movement
"Repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work."  (RH 5/25/05)
God has given me light regarding our periodicals. What is it?-- He said that the dead are to speak. How?--Their works shall follow them. We are to repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work. They moved forward step by step under the influence of the Spirit of God. One by one these pioneers are passing away. The word given me is, Let that which these
men have written in the past be reproduced. . . .-- Review and Herald, May 25, 1905
Adventist Pioneer Library - website
 Fred Bischoff's Videos about 28 Adventist Pioneers
- Biographical Sketches of Adventist Pioneers -  Link is broken - March 2013
                             Biographical Sketches of Adventist Pioneers  
Video - 3ABN Special on July 30, 2015  'Truth versus the Lie'  ( 2 hours )
                   Discussion with Fred Bischoff - Rico Hill - Jerad Thurmon
Video -  Pathways of the Pioneers - Part 1
Audio -  Audio Books by the Pioneers  - Adventaudio.org  -
 List of the Adventist Pioneers
John N. Andrews   ( 1829 - 1883 )  Video
Joseph Bates   ( 1792 - 1872 )    Biography   -  Video
The Autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates, chapter 26.
Stephen Belden
Goodloe H. Bell
John Byington   (Oct. 1798  -  Jan, 1887 )    Biography  -  Video
Merritt E. Cornell  ( 1827 - 1893 )   Video
Roswell Cotrell   ( 1814 - 1892 )    Video
O. R. L. Crosier   ( 1820 - 1913 )   Video
Hiram Edson   ( 1802  -  1882 )

                 Biography  -  Video
William Farnsworth  ( 1807 - 1888 )   Video
J. B. Frisbie
Aaron H. Hilliard     EGW received Health Reform Message at his home
Leonard Hastings
Stephen N. Haskell  (converted in 1852 )  

A. T. Jones   ( Alonzo T. Jones )  ( 1850 - 1923 )     Biography  -  Video
                   He argues against Sunday Lay before US Senate - Dec. 1888
Samuel H. Kime  
Horatio S. Lay, MD
Josiah Litch    ( 1809 - 1886 )   Video
John N. Loughborough  ( 1832 - 1924 )   Video
Dan Palmer
Stephen Pierce  ( 1804 - 1883 )   Video
Thomas M. Preble     ( 1810 - 1907 )      Biography
William Warren Prescott   ( 1855 - 1944 )    Biography -  Video
E. H. Root
Uriah Smith  ( 1832 - 1903 )    Video
E J Waggoner   ( 1855  -  1916 )   Video
J. H. Waggoner  ( 1820 - 1889 )   Video
Frederick Wheeler         Described in Footprints of the Pioneers - page 113
James White  ( 1821 - 1881 )    Video
Henry White 
Ellen G. White  ( 1827 to 1915 )   Video
More about the Pioneers
- -  Adventist Pioneers Gallary - - 
Early Work in New York - 1848 - 1850  
                                           Described in Chapter 12 of Footprints of the Pioneers
Sad SDA History - Three pioneers who left the church (Cantright, Beldon, Hull)
Dreams were also recorded by the pioneers
The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, Loughborough,
pp. 314,315. (Elder Bates and Annie Smith have dreams).
Miracles in my Life, J. N. Loughborough, Ch. 11 "Pioneering in Petaluma".
(Mr. Wolff has a dream, opening the way for meetings in California)
William Miller's Dream - Early Writings, page 81   Video about William Miller
We are encouraged to read about the experiences of the Adventist Pioneers
History of our work
Article about the early missionaries sent to other countries  
I'm sure there are many others.  This makes some fascinating reading! 
You can find more on the latest CD from the White Estate? 
EGW Estate - The "Words of the Pioneers" collection.
Some Spirit of Prophecy quotes about the pioneers
Pioneers of the Church
Pioneers in the Advent message
If you know of anything about the pioneers you want added to this page, Contact us.
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